Anyhow, while I was waiting, two old men, in their early 70's of age, one of them was with a little beard and the other clean shaved and a walking crutch, caught my attention, checking out in the cashier area. They were buying some grocery, and their Indian house boy was accompanying them. The bearded man wanted to push the cart, so he asked the house boy to wait outside beside the car. The crutch man was asking his friend if they bought everything they needed, and this was the dialog (of course it was in Kuwaiti accent):
Crutch Man: "Have we bought everything we need and for the kids?"
Bearded Man: "Yes, I think you got the list they wrote"
Crutch Man: "Yeah, right"
Bearded Man: "Haven't you told me once that you got that sultan center points card?"
Crutch Man: "Yes, I do have it"
Bearded Man: "Then why don’t you check how many points you have collected so far?"
Crutch Man: "Yes I should"
So they stood in front of the "The Sultan Center Points" desk, and stared into a little female trainee's face, asked her if it’s the right place to check the points, and showed her the card.
Female Staff: "Sir, you got 400 points, which equals around 20 K.D. of purchasing voucher, or anything equivalent"
Crutch Man: "20 K.D. only?, its nothing"
Bearded Man: "You can give to whoever"
Crutch Man: "I think I'll just keep for next time grocery"
Bearded Man: "Or they can pay your mobile bill with it"
Crutch Man: "You're right"
Bearded Man: "Remember we have mobiles now, not like the old days"
Crutch Man: "Yes, and we have cards to collect points"
Bearded Man: "Everywhere is air-conditioned"
Crutch Man: "God, yeah, I remember it very well"
Bearded Man: "when was it? When we used to sneak out to buy our favorite chocolate, like 60 years ago?"
Crutch Man: " yes, 1945"
And there they were laughing and smiling at each other, you can tell from their sparkling eyes that they were remembering every piece of it.
At that very moment, I wished I had a camera, to take a snapshot of them while they were laughing. It was obvious that they're friends since those old days they were talking about. They were cherishing every moment, living every minute of it, feeling every heartbeat, tasting every bite of that old chocolate, and they were simply thanking God for those times, for the way they were.
One time someone said:
"Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine.
Friendships that have stood the test
-Time and change - are surely best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.
For 'mid old friends, tried and true,
Once more we our youth renew.
But old friends, alas! may die,
New friends must their place supply.
Cherish friendship in your breast-
New is good, but old is best;
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold."
What a life!
What a life!