Monday, October 23, 2006

having a blog !

well, this is my the very first post i have on my very first blog page !
as i was talking to a good friend of mine (ZZ) at work last Wednesday, she suddenly asked me if i have a blog? and i went like "uhhh, no!", so i asked the reason why she was asking, so she said "i think you need to have one, my friends were asking me if you do have a blog?" so i thought about it, went online, searched about blogs, that i always heard about but never had the chance or care to have one. but guess now its gonna be one of my favorite hobbies :D


Anonymous said...

hi there
im happy to be the friend of (ZZ)
how's thought that u have a blog and im happy that now you do ……. ill keep reading u blog from now and then ,and I advice You to join the community of Kuwaiti blogers
in order to secure more readers to your new blog
good luck

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of blogging :P