Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Dark Room !

I saw my self again standing infront of that black door with its same old golden knob. whenever i hear, see, or remember something i find my self comming back to this room, while i try my best not to do so ! Its been a while for me since i last visited this place.

As i opened the door, i could feel the time that passed and the dust on the ground, nothing but the light rays from my back making my way to the inside of the room, showing me my favorite wooden arm chair. I stepped in, leaving the door behind me almost closed just to make me barelly see whats inside the room. I dont like to switch on the lights inhere. i like it dark. ofcourse and quiet. i took a deep breath, looked around, patted the arm chair to remove the dust, and had my seat.

Shelves made of steel are all over the the walls of the room. half of them are empty and nothing to hold, while the other half, has lots of stuff, mainly boxes, different colors and sizes. from the many many boxes, I was able to see a blue box with a little title tag that says "University", another gray one that says "High School", a third box my eyes fell on was with a title of "Old Friends", and another one beside it "Friends".

My eyes kept on moving on the same shelf. and then i noticed a multi colored box with my name written on it by hand. and i thought "why the hell have i kept it there?" it wasnt in its right place. i dont even remember whats in it. so i pulled the box, went back to my chair, moved the dust on the cover of the box, and opened it.
strange ....... as i was opening the box, those words crossed my mind:

" Viva Forever, I'll be waiting, Everlasting, Like the sun, Live Forever,
For the moment, Ever searching, for the world"

there were pictures of my self in different age stagies, pictures of my family, some post cards of different places, some old candies, an old gift wrap, untitled CD, a little hand made wooden box, a small silver spoon, a china mug, old money paper and some coins, and a small silver pendant.
Godness, so many things inhere, and they're not in their right places. but i can tell each has a story, each rings a bell. again words crossed my mind, i can hear it saying :

" But we're all alone, was it just a dream, Feelings untold,
They will never be sold, And the secrets safe with me"

i brushed away the words i hear, focused my attention on the things infront of me, "i have to re-arrange them in their correct places, but some will remain inhere" i thought.
i didnt feel like going through the stories of each item inhere, so i placed them back, and closed the box. its still on my lap.

started looking around. but again i thought: "what was the reason that made me come here?"
i still can smell the dust ! while my eyes fell on different sizes of boxes, some were white the others were black, beside each other ! i blushed as a smile was making its own way on my face.
took a deep breath, grapped the box and placed it on a different shelf, just near my arm chair.
stood in the middle of the room, had a last look just before i leave, and there i heard the words again:
"Do you still remember, how we used to be, Feeling together,
believe in whatever, My love has said to me"

i walked to the door, opened it, but made sure i wont open it all the way, i dont want the light to get in. Stepped out of the room. Pulled the door to close it, and just before i do, i entered my head to have a last glance inside. my smile was still there. i pulled my head out, closed the door and locked it.
Godness, the words wouldn't stop :

" Yes I still remember, every whispered word, The touch of your skin,
giving life from within, Like a love song that I've heard"

ohh yeah, i do rememeber these words, they're "Viva forever" song words for Spice girls. i used to love this song, guess i still do. walked away from that room, walked so far that i wasnt able to see it anymore. i dont think i want to stay close to my room, to my "dark room" !!!


Anonymous said...

I know what u mean!

I try to stay away as far as possible from my boxes. They're just there to mock you and show you how old you're getting, how your friends are all gone and how things will never ever be nearly the same again.

But they always make me smile!

Anonymous said...

hhhhhhh... "the dark room"..
all we have it.
but who is the controler our dark room or us?