Friday, August 24, 2007


لطالما كانت هذه الحياة مجموعة من الأفعال و ردود أفعال الناس لبعضهم البعض، سواء كانت هذه الأفعال و ردودها إيجابية أو سلبية، قصيرة المدى أو بعيدة المدى بالنتائج، مؤقتة أو دائمة بالأثر، فإنها تبقى عملية بسيطة كنظرية نيوتن في الفيزياء " لكل فعل ردة فعل يساويه في المقدار و يعاكسه في الإتجاه

المغزى هنا إن جزء كبير من هذه الحياة، إن لم تكن كلها، عبارة عن نتائج أفعالنا أو ردود أفعالنا لأفعال الغير، و في هذا الموضوع طرأ في بالي سؤال يتعلق بالإدراك

الإدراك هي عملية معرفة الشخص للفعل و نتائج الفعل و أثره و أهميته على الغير، بمعنى إذا أدرك الشخص فعلا ما، فإنه على دراية كاملة لما يترتب على هذا الفعل.

إنني هنا أحاول الربط بين موضوعين، الإدراك و التبرير، و هو موضوع مقالتي السابقة، فالكثير من الناس لا تدرك أفعالها و كنتيجة لعدم الإدراك فإنها تفشل بالتبرير. فإن كان الشخص مدركا إدراكا كاملا بما جنته يديه، لكان بإمكانه التبرير و توضيح الدوافع و الأسباب، و بحزم شديد غير قابل للجدال.

فبعد التفكير المطول لعدم استطاعة الناس للتبرير عن أفعالهم، وجدت الإدراك عاملا في هذا الشيء، إن لم يكن العامل الوحيد. إن هناك فئة من الناس تتصرف دائما بغباء شديد، و حماقة خالصة، و غطرسة عارمة مع الآخرين، من باب معرفتهم بكل شي و كبريائهم المتعالي عن الناس.

و تكون نتائج أفعالهم مدمرة، و قد تطول أفعالهم لتصل إلى الناس المحيطين فيهم، الراعين بهم و الحامين لهم. و عند السؤال "لماذا عملت هذا" أو "ليش صار جذي" يكون الرد " بس جذي"!!

لو استطاع كل شخص أن ينظر إلى الفعل قبل حدوثه و التفكير فيه ملية (يعني أن يدركه)، لاستطعنا أن نتجنب على الأقل نصف المشاكل و الخلافات التي تحدث لنا أو نمر بها في هذا الحياة الغير دائمة.

و أنت أيضا، كف عن محاضراتك الدائمة لمعرفتك بكل شي صحيح و كل شي مفروض، و خذ دقيقة للمحاولة بإدراك أمورك و أفعالك، و لا تقول إنها للمصلحة العامة أو انا عارف أو أعرف أكثر منك، لأنها غالبا ستكون لصالحك أنت فقط
و للحديث بقية ... .

Friday, August 17, 2007


Someone once told me that people don’t have to justify their actions. I sort of disliked the idea. But then days and months passed by, and lots of events came and went. Through this time I've been into lots of incidents were I discovered that people, some were close people, have hidden the truth, in fact, they had to lie. Maybe not to me, to others, but they did. The funny part is, it would be less than 24 hours before I discover that they were actually lying about something.

So I started wondering why people lie. If they don’t want to answer a question or reply according to the speech, why don’t they just say "no comments", "it's kind of personal", or "I'll tell you later"?

Don’t they know that this counts on how people see each other? Aren't they aware that lying would push away people? Wish they have hidden the truth rather than lying. It would've been accepted. But to lie!

Should people ask each other why they have lied? Or should we just skip it? And if we did skip it, will we still keep the trust to those people? Or we will unconsciously start withdrawing from being around them?, especially if they were doing it over and over.

Justification: the action in which people give reasons why they have done a certain action, in other words, what was the motive to do something to someone.

Do people have to justify their actions? Or is it related to the nature of relationship between them? And let's say that people don’t have to justify their actions. How the hell will others know why those did that something? Or those who don’t want to justify would use "freedom of actions" to keep silent.

Sometimes I think that people avoid justifying their actions because they try to avoid embarrassment. Or so that they won't to reach a conclusion that would bring them as stupid morons and they had no reason to do whatever they have done. So it’s a type of self protection, do a stupid illogical action towards others, lie, then keep silent. And convince your self that you don’t have to justify your pathetic actions.

Well, nothing more can be said, guts is all what they lack, besides the lack of self confidence.
If you were thinking about the picture, yeah, i know what it says :)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

How Will it Feel If You Were . . . ???

I couldn’t just ignore what got my attention. I had to stop and, with no control, I drifted away with fast flashes of thoughts and wonders. Those lines, the dark and the light ones, made me think. He had lines in the rest of his palm where he was able to tell his destiny. He had lines where you could tell the stories he knew. He had lines that show the experiences he'd been through. He had lines of happiness and sorrows. He had lines that could tell you his life in brief. Lines that he would see if he stood in front of a mirror.
He was powerless and quiet and lying there on bed. I am not even sure if he was aware of his surroundings, the busy people around him with white coats and small devices, his crying kids who were praying for him to survive and his one and only life partner he knew in the last 60 years, his wife.
I think the only thing that he was worried about was if it's going to be easy or if he will suffer through it all. It seemed to me that all that mattered to him is how it will be? What is next? Will it be difficult? Will he be missed?
Strange how people age and turn from being totally independent people to totally dependent on others, even for the smallest silly action you could think of.

Strange how our present and all the events we go through become simply part of the past and nothing remains but little memories. Or let me say, debris of memories.

Strange how it feels when you are used to few people being around you 24/7 and then suddenly they're gone. They're not here anymore. You can not call them, you can not talk to them, you can not hear them, you can not see them, you can not feel them, and you can not do anything. As if they were ghosts. As if they were not real people like you and me.

Strange how it feels when you miss someone so much and you know that there is no way in hell they will be back, and you just wish you had one more chance to tell them how much you really loved them and cared about them.

Strange how people are so arrogant to care about the beauty of this life we're living and they're so stupid to share it with others.

Strange how people live their life demanding others to follow their standards and judging others like God on earth.
Strange how every single cell in our body grows, develops, divides, and turn into an old cell causing what is called of "Aging".

Strange how after living this life and traveling all over the world, we will eventually rest for ever in a small dark place six feet under, all alone, nothing would rescue us except our accumulated account of sins and virtues.

Poor her. I could see how her eyes filled up with tears, shivering lips, and holding the hand of her beloved husband while he is on the bed of death. I swear I could tell that she was asking her self how she will be able to survive after he's gone, and leave her all alone. Who will listen to her when she wants to complain about the kids?
Who will be her best friend? Life to her seemed at the end. There is nothing left. Why? It's simply because of the death of a beloved person.

It was only one minute when I was there looking at them, I had to go and finish my work. And the day passed fast. It was busy and hectic. But the question remained. If I had one chance to go back in time, what would I do and what would be that I shouldn't have done?

And you my dear reader, give it a thought, and add to it, if you were gone, will you be missed? Remembered? Or will you be simply forgotten? And right now, who are those who love you? And who are those who hate you?