Days go by, days go low and high, some go slow, other days fly. Sometimes we think that the old days were better than nowadays. As we begin to explore life, we set certain aims, targets, hopes, dreams, and wishes in all aspects. But as we grow up, we get shocked with reality, realizing that we have to modify couple of our dreams and wishes, along with some of our aims and targets. Again "some" but not all, but the some we're talking about could mean a lot to a lot of us. Some of those dreams sound to be tailored in a perfect world, for a perfect time and place, though they never can be simpler than they are.
So we discover that they will never come true. But some of those dreams keep on walking beside us, creating a certain type of hope and comfort. It might sound pathetic for some while others accept the idea of dreaming it. Dreams like becoming what we want to be, having something in specific, sharing something with someone, or even a simple dream of loving someone and being loved in return.
And when its bedtime, placing our head on the pillow, nothing but the sound of quietness, nothing but the color of a lightless room, flashes of memory cross our mind, reminding us of our dreams. Dreams that could make us feel better once we live it. And once we know they're just dreams, we would have a heartache. Some consider their dreams as the lightest thread they're holding on to survive this artificial life. And living their "impossible" dreams would be their only saviour.
It isn't easy to grow up expecting to find something that matters to you, and then you discover that you could never ever have it. And it's more painful when you realize that a lot have it, while you and only can not have it, as if you are living the wrong time and place!
I don’t want to under-estimate others, but honestly speaking, don’t you think that sometimes those who don’t even deserve to live have that little thing that you always wished for? And you go like saying "why them not me?"
Its not that I don’t believe in destiny, but it just feels bad. And please who ever says that’s life, I know, but I can not deny the fact of the feeling I'm talking about.Guess the word "envy" is going through your mind!!! Hope not because its not what I'm talking about.
I don’t know if I'm the only one or if there are others who think that life is not like we expected. It lacks something. Life seems like it lacks life!!! We're living life but we're not feeling this life, or maybe some don’t even feel alive!
Because of those mixed feelings we tend to modify some of our dreams, or we simply let them go. After we had a strong faith that someday our dreams will come true.
That is maybe someday!
search about the truth of life,don't look to the husk see the core.
life is life with out dark no light
do you want to be some thing?
be.......... your self
Thank "god" about what you have....
because one day you will lose it.
DON'T ever see what other have...but always think about that what you can gain from what you have now.
Think about it.
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