Thursday, December 21, 2006

Human Investment !

People talk about it all the time, thinking hard, doing their best, and watching screens and reading the news papers to make sure that the money they have invested would turn out with a good profit.

You see a red arrow that means your stock is going down you become blue, angry, and sad, you also might reach a level where you think you shouldn’t have invested in this.

While you might see the green arrow that means that your stock is going up, you become happy, cheerful, spreading smiles, and you turn out trusting that stock blindly. And you keep on hoping it would stay that way for the rest of your life. And that’s doubtful!

The idea is investing in something so that people will be happy in the end.

When we get to know people, we start to feel comfortable with some and uncomfortable with others. It doesn’t mean that others are bad; they're just different, most probably chemistry wise.

So those who walk along with each other, due to a certain common factor, would understand each other, maybe not totally, but at least they would become aware of each other's personality. With time, friends start having that un-written contract of friendship, it is an untouchable bond. I would consider that "un-written contract" like an investment, of course, not money related. Simply because we put a lot of mental, spiritual, and physical efforts in that kind of investment, friendship investment.

No one knows if that stock of that friend would lose or win.

You win a friend when you would find that friend beside you after 10 or 20 years of friendship, supporting you as if you're supporting your self, would be there for you in good times and bad times. Trust, honesty, and respect are their common language. At then, you would know you have won that stock of being that someone's friend.

You can simply imagine the opposite when it comes to losing a friend.

Like any other stock, there are factors that help in turning a certain friend's stock to a wining stock or to a losing stock, and that’s a different subject.

There is one factor that should always be taken in consideration, and that is "Time". Only time can tell if you won a friend or not. As funny as it might sound, even when it comes to siblings, from the same mother and father, only time can tell you who to trust and who not to trust. Who would be there for you and who wouldn’t be there for you. It is easy to sacrifice for someone, but its hard to find who deserves it.


Anonymous said...

Shot gun


Very nice post.. and soo true
but the siblings cant not trust a sibling....
blood is blood my friend even if turns against you it wont last

Anonymous said...

"It is easy to sacrifice for someone, but its hard to find who deserves it."

Huuffft so true !!

*DiiGMaa making a mental note of the above and considering getting it tattoo-ed on her forehead so she remembers every morning after washing her face and looking in the mirror* ;P

Anonymous said...

ok i wanna say dis , we as human we as people we are always looking for somebody to save us, we are looking for somebody to come and save us from all the issues in the world that we have at that present moment ,but baby ain't nobody gonna come and save you ,!! If u gonna depend on somebody to come and into yr life and save you , you gonna be waiting yr entire life , u gonna be waiting forever , YOU HAVE TO SAVE YOUR SELF , if your ship is sinking put the life raft on your self and save your self ,cuz u r the only person that can change your destiny ,u r the only person that can fix yr issues, people humans will let u down every time , every time u put yr hopes every time you say Lord ithink ifound somebody , that’s the one , ithink this person gonna change everything in my life ,, NO HE/she IS NOT !!! you change everything in your life ,, you should have somebody in yr life whether it’s a friend , or whether its your lover , who ever that compliments you that maybe upraise you , but you need to be complete , u don’t need nobody to complete you , plz don’t wait for any body to save you ,, No no NO ahhhh ihave to get that off idont know where that came from but I had to say it ,, we set around an we think somebody gonna come and change everything nop dear they cant do it cuz they r human as u r and they have their own issues they need to fix and rationalise for them self ,,, plz get on it if you have a goal u have a dream fallow it , lord knows dreams are hard to fallow , but u gotta keep going , u gotta be encourage , but u r fine and u gonna be fine ,
Love u mr Dear friend ;)