The Naked Truth Of Something Called "Life" !!!
there is nothing specific to talk about in this blog, everything is allowed as long as it is written in a good way and well mannered. Hope you'll enjoy it :)
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Little Thoughts!
As I stood to go to the salad bar, a mother was passing by me holding her little daughter. The girl was about 3 years old spreading her charming smiles to everyone. The moment I saw her smiling started to think “does she know what she’ll be when she grows up? Does she know where would she be when she’s 30? Is she aware of her surroundings?” for no reason those thoughts were crossing my mind. I quickly decided to pick a plate and put some of the Coleslaw salad. Went back to our table.
As I started eating and looking around, I saw that early 40s lady having lunch and feeding her mother in the same time who happens to be on a wheel chair.
How ironic, to see early stages of life of a mother with her 3 years old daughter and in the same time I see another lady who’s feeding her mother and was earlier pushing her wheel chair.
At the beginning they pamper us, feed us, and take us everywhere, and then later in life we’re the one who take care of them and ensure that they’re safe and sound.
The lady was so passionate towards her mother, ensuring to feed her before eating her own bite.
I took a mental snap shot of how they looked and kept it in my mind and started thinking about it. How does the mother feel? The mother who is in the wheel chair?
Does she feel broken that someone else is feeding her? Or is she the one who asked for it? Is she aware that there’s a high possibility that she’ll always be dependant and in need to someone else to help her in life’s simplest actions like eating?
Looking at her made me think of all the words of one’s reasons to survive like pride, dignity, poise, and self esteem. Or is it that people start to ask for less with age and when they realize that they are in need to others? Do we all in one stage or another realize that one day we will be broken and in need for someone else to help us with simplest actions to survive? Is it just me or is someone else out there thinks that it’s not easy to feel that dependence thing?
Screw coleslaw. I don’t feel like eating it anymore. Those thoughts are depressing. Realistic. Direct. Inevitable.
Immediately left the restaurant and went to the sea. Realized how small I am in front of that giant water surface trying to diminish those thoughts I was thinking of minutes ago.
Trying to erase the images of the child and the old mother on the wheel chair from my head. But guess I was wrong as they’re still here as I’m typing these words.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Monday, January 09, 2012
so see you around
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sunday, May 03, 2009
. . .Time. . .
Stormy ocean waves slamming the rocky giant mountains on the shore, it's a huge black and white picture hanging on the wall of my bed room, watching it with all the attention I've got, and screening every little detail.
I was so into the picture that I wanted to close my eyes for some time.
Trying to stop time, at least mentally, seeking few moments of peace*, diving into the inner me, or may be into what's left of me.
* Peace! a word that I might need to elaborate about some time in the future.
I close my eyes, hearing nothing but my breaths, roam around in my mind like a little kid running from one room to the other in a big huge house, seeking something, but doesn’t quite know what.
Out there in my mind, where it was darker than a mid night in winter, a little thread of light started to show, coming fast towards me, like an express train in a dark tunnel. But they were flashes of what I was thinking about couple of days ago.
Days go by, through different faces, new or repeated scenarios, same old places haunted with several memories of cheers or tears. Each one of us keeps on walking, some run, in this long, to some it's short, path we call life.
And yet to me, the subject of that "missing thing" is still there. The empty place in the chest. Is this life's all about? Were we suppose to come into this life just to simply eat, grow, study, work, get married, bring kids, grow them up, and the circle goes on and on, till the end where a new change takes place. That would be our death!
Is this what's life all about?
As I mentioned previously, what is it? What is that thing we lack? Or let me re-phrase, what is that thing that "some" people lack, although they might be considered very "successful" in their careers and/or lives.
Coincidently, a friend of mine was talking somehow something related to this last night, so I thought of sharing my thoughts with him. He said maybe we need love!
I stopped there, started to think, then I realized, I do have love in my life. I do love my family, my friends, specially the close ones, my work, and whatever I do or get involved in.
But what he meant was the partner's love, a wife.
So I guess a lot believe in the "significant other". In a fast speed analyzing his words, I thought, a significant other could be anyone, anyone we can call our "soul mate". But in his case someone with a legitimate reason to have sex with!
But no, we definitely can have soul mates, which are not our wives or husbands, and call them our significant other. But is it really love that we need?
Or in my case, is it love that I really need?
Is it love?
Is it the need to want and be wanted by someone?
Is it the need to be with someone who we would be just simply our selves around them?
Is it the need to have someone to tell them or do with them what ever we think of?
Is it the need to be with someone who might in a way or another manipulate our feelings?
Is it the need to have someone in our lives that we put a lot of hope and way high expectations and then may be one day we would realize that it was all wrong?
Is it the need for someone who would take the chance on a golden tray to hurt our most sincere feelings and threat our self being?
Is it the need for someone who is able break a little of our independent pride?
An interesting thrilling term, "Significant other"!
Or is it simply due to the fact that a lot around me are getting married?
Why is this all coming into my mind? Was it all because of this call I received this morning from an old friend who was with us in University? She was talking to me and I swear I could tell how happy she was, reminding me of all the childish funny stupid things we've done back then, but it was her phrase that triggered all this. When she simply said: "God, I always think of us every time I see the hanging picture of our group on our graduation ceremony party". Yeah, I do have a copy of that picture. We took that picture so fast, with no pre-planning; suddenly every one of us, boys and girls, left our families, and jumped into the middle of the picture shooting space, with that cheerful innocent smiles and laughter on our faces. Happy with our achievements.
We were indeed a family.
For some reason, unconsciously, I was having a little smile on my face.
Remembering where we've been, what we've been doing, and where we've reached.
But still with the same question on my mind.
I opened my eyes, still in front of that picture, after 10 minutes.
Maybe I will need to wait to know the answer.
Maybe I need to give it some time.
Who knows?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Is That It?
Suddenly I feel something.
I go back home and spend some time with my lovely mother talking about what so ever, the latest news and up dates about different topics while sharing a cup of tea and maybe a bite or two. Then afterwards prepare my self for a heavy digestable number of lectures due to the fact of me doing my Master's Degree, by going to University.
I take education seriously, try to be committed, dedicated, honest, and hard worker. I get rewarded afterwards through my grades and marks. At those moments I feel I'm achieving something. But again there is that thing!
I go back home, sit with my family for a while, have a little dinner, check my emails, read a little, then go to bed, with that something somewhere!
On regular bases, I check my little small business that I have started two years ago, and see that somehow it's growing slowly and steadily. Al7amd'Ellah.
Whenever I have the time, I make sure that I would go to the gym and work out, studying have taken away my commitment to the gym for the sake of education. I would socialize and go out with my buddies (el rabi3) or friends. Yes there is a difference between them! DUH!
I read, listen to music, watch movies whenever I had the chance. So I'm fulfilling my hobbies.
I suddenly started to think, what's next? Am I successful?
No, I don’t think so. Success would be, at least maybe to me and I could be wrong, when someone is on the Top 100 influential people in the world or has won the Nobel prize for what ever he/she has done.
So success is way too early for me. Am I satisfied? No.
There is something missing, that has nothing to do with whatever I have achieved or will achieve in future.
It's like this empty space within my chest, like a ball of air.
Is this what's life all about?
What is that thing that is missing?
What is life all about?
Is this it?
When we were young, my parents, I bet along with lots of other parents to their kids, told us that life is so great and nice. We only need to study and grow to see it.
Here I am. This isn't so great to me! In fact it's dull and boring. Or am I still suppose to search while I'm walking in this path they call life!
I don’t know.
Who knows!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Why Do They . . . ?
In front of each other
Only a coffee table in between
One was staring with eyes full of tears and pride
The other was cold, doing nothing but stirring the sugar in that small cup of tea
For an hour, silence was they're favorite language
But then, one spoke another, saying:
Is it you?
Was it something I said?
Or something you did?
Is it someone else?
Or should I just bid?
Cause I can't tell
And it feels like hell
I don’t know
If it's me or if it's you?
Look me in the eye
Tell me what's wrong?
Cause your hand been away for so long
And there's no more "our love song"
Do you feel my heartache?
Don't tell me it was all fake
Was it all a dream?
And now I'm awake
Awake in my own nightmare
Do you think its fare?
After all I've done for you
I thought you would care
Look at you
You don’t even touch my hair
Where is the love ring?
You don’t even wear
Was it all fake?
The walking on the lake
What about that coffee at the towers?
With "our" favorite cake
Was it all fake?
What about the future plans?
Or was I a point of trans?
And I'll wake away
But please don’t lie
The other says:
"I don’t have a reason
I don’t know why
And I don’t want you to cry
but i really don’t know why"…
Sound of weeping …
Runs away. . .
I happened to be there, behind their table, and didn’t mean to listen. I thought in here I would find peace for an hour or two, but I was wrong, I was shocked to what I was listening to. And started to wonder, why? What happened? Why did they break up? Why do people break up? I want to know why? ... why?
Friday, July 11, 2008
Old Friends

Anyhow, while I was waiting, two old men, in their early 70's of age, one of them was with a little beard and the other clean shaved and a walking crutch, caught my attention, checking out in the cashier area. They were buying some grocery, and their Indian house boy was accompanying them. The bearded man wanted to push the cart, so he asked the house boy to wait outside beside the car. The crutch man was asking his friend if they bought everything they needed, and this was the dialog (of course it was in Kuwaiti accent):
Crutch Man: "Have we bought everything we need and for the kids?"
Bearded Man: "Yes, I think you got the list they wrote"
Crutch Man: "Yeah, right"
Bearded Man: "Haven't you told me once that you got that sultan center points card?"
Crutch Man: "Yes, I do have it"
Bearded Man: "Then why don’t you check how many points you have collected so far?"
Crutch Man: "Yes I should"
So they stood in front of the "The Sultan Center Points" desk, and stared into a little female trainee's face, asked her if it’s the right place to check the points, and showed her the card.
Female Staff: "Sir, you got 400 points, which equals around 20 K.D. of purchasing voucher, or anything equivalent"
Crutch Man: "20 K.D. only?, its nothing"
Bearded Man: "You can give to whoever"
Crutch Man: "I think I'll just keep for next time grocery"
Bearded Man: "Or they can pay your mobile bill with it"
Crutch Man: "You're right"
Bearded Man: "Remember we have mobiles now, not like the old days"
Crutch Man: "Yes, and we have cards to collect points"
Bearded Man: "Everywhere is air-conditioned"
Crutch Man: "God, yeah, I remember it very well"
Bearded Man: "when was it? When we used to sneak out to buy our favorite chocolate, like 60 years ago?"
Crutch Man: " yes, 1945"
And there they were laughing and smiling at each other, you can tell from their sparkling eyes that they were remembering every piece of it.
At that very moment, I wished I had a camera, to take a snapshot of them while they were laughing. It was obvious that they're friends since those old days they were talking about. They were cherishing every moment, living every minute of it, feeling every heartbeat, tasting every bite of that old chocolate, and they were simply thanking God for those times, for the way they were.
One time someone said:
"Make new friends, but keep the old;
What a life!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Emotional Attachment

Anyhow, when I handled my iPod, and went back home, I realized something, something that might or could sound pathetic to some people. I was giving my iPod for fixing like a parent holding his little kid in the emergency room (E.R.) don’t know what was wrong with it and just can not accept the reality of it being out of order!
I realized that I was emotionally attached to my iPod. This little mp3 device, indirectly, controls my mood.
This made me think of what so called "Emotional Attachment". There are people, places, words, matters, thoughts, or even small little things or devices that can have an impact on us and control our emotions and it could be directly and/or indirectly.
But would this behavior be normal or ok?
Is it OK to be emotionally attached to someone or something?
Is it OK for that someone or something to manipulate our emotions and/or feelings out of our control?
Would that someone or something be worth the attachment and the disturbances that may take place with emotions and feelings?
Do all human beings love it when they're emotionally attached to someone or something?
Or is it part of being an Arab or middle-eastern that would make us naturally easy and at risk to suffer from emotional attachments?
Yes suffer, for more than 10 days I had to stop going to the gym, simply because I wasn’t in the mood to work out, due to the lack of music. So this is an un-healthy behavior.
And so, it is important to control our feelings and emotions towards everything in our lives. There are people who passed away because of the loss of their loved ones. They couldn’t go on without the people who shared their lives. So someone could physically die if they lost someone. Others may simply lose their minds if something happened to those they love. And it's all because of the emotional attachment.
This untouchable attachment could cause you death or it could simply make you live happily ever after, although nothing last forever!
Friday, August 24, 2007
لطالما كانت هذه الحياة مجموعة من الأفعال و ردود أفعال الناس لبعضهم البعض، سواء كانت هذه الأفعال و ردودها إيجابية أو سلبية، قصيرة المدى أو بعيدة المدى بالنتائج، مؤقتة أو دائمة بالأثر، فإنها تبقى عملية بسيطة كنظرية نيوتن في الفيزياء " لكل فعل ردة فعل يساويه في المقدار و يعاكسه في الإتجاه
الإدراك هي عملية معرفة الشخص للفعل و نتائج الفعل و أثره و أهميته على الغير، بمعنى إذا أدرك الشخص فعلا ما، فإنه على دراية كاملة لما يترتب على هذا الفعل.
Friday, August 17, 2007

Someone once told me that people don’t have to justify their actions. I sort of disliked the idea. But then days and months passed by, and lots of events came and went. Through this time I've been into lots of incidents were I discovered that people, some were close people, have hidden the truth, in fact, they had to lie. Maybe not to me, to others, but they did. The funny part is, it would be less than 24 hours before I discover that they were actually lying about something.
So I started wondering why people lie. If they don’t want to answer a question or reply according to the speech, why don’t they just say "no comments", "it's kind of personal", or "I'll tell you later"?
Don’t they know that this counts on how people see each other? Aren't they aware that lying would push away people? Wish they have hidden the truth rather than lying. It would've been accepted. But to lie!
Should people ask each other why they have lied? Or should we just skip it? And if we did skip it, will we still keep the trust to those people? Or we will unconsciously start withdrawing from being around them?, especially if they were doing it over and over.
Justification: the action in which people give reasons why they have done a certain action, in other words, what was the motive to do something to someone.
Do people have to justify their actions? Or is it related to the nature of relationship between them? And let's say that people don’t have to justify their actions. How the hell will others know why those did that something? Or those who don’t want to justify would use "freedom of actions" to keep silent.
Sometimes I think that people avoid justifying their actions because they try to avoid embarrassment. Or so that they won't to reach a conclusion that would bring them as stupid morons and they had no reason to do whatever they have done. So it’s a type of self protection, do a stupid illogical action towards others, lie, then keep silent. And convince your self that you don’t have to justify your pathetic actions.
Well, nothing more can be said, guts is all what they lack, besides the lack of self confidence.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
How Will it Feel If You Were . . . ???
Strange how our present and all the events we go through become simply part of the past and nothing remains but little memories. Or let me say, debris of memories.
Strange how it feels when you are used to few people being around you 24/7 and then suddenly they're gone. They're not here anymore. You can not call them, you can not talk to them, you can not hear them, you can not see them, you can not feel them, and you can not do anything. As if they were ghosts. As if they were not real people like you and me.
Strange how it feels when you miss someone so much and you know that there is no way in hell they will be back, and you just wish you had one more chance to tell them how much you really loved them and cared about them.
Strange how people are so arrogant to care about the beauty of this life we're living and they're so stupid to share it with others.
Strange how people live their life demanding others to follow their standards and judging others like God on earth.
Strange how after living this life and traveling all over the world, we will eventually rest for ever in a small dark place six feet under, all alone, nothing would rescue us except our accumulated account of sins and virtues.
Poor her. I could see how her eyes filled up with tears, shivering lips, and holding the hand of her beloved husband while he is on the bed of death. I swear I could tell that she was asking her self how she will be able to survive after he's gone, and leave her all alone. Who will listen to her when she wants to complain about the kids?
Who will be her best friend? Life to her seemed at the end. There is nothing left. Why? It's simply because of the death of a beloved person.
It was only one minute when I was there looking at them, I had to go and finish my work. And the day passed fast. It was busy and hectic. But the question remained. If I had one chance to go back in time, what would I do and what would be that I shouldn't have done?
And you my dear reader, give it a thought, and add to it, if you were gone, will you be missed? Remembered? Or will you be simply forgotten? And right now, who are those who love you? And who are those who hate you?
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Check It Out

I appreciate food, specially those tasty ones that you might grave for from time to another. but since long time, Japanese food wasnt ever of my interest. and i HATED sushi. i hated the way it looked, i hated the way it would smell, i hated the way they would present it. its like i really hate sushi. i have had trials of testing different sushi, but still never even liked it.
but latelly i have tried suchi, to me, its one of its kind. Its the Shrimp Tampura Sushi. i can easily at least say its cooked. and it tastes AMAZING, and a little bit of dipping it in soya sauce. the place where i had it was in Hashi resturant, that is the one in Salhiyah Plaze, infront of Salhiyah Complex. so i really recommend it.
The Movie "Deja Vu" is AMAZING. i loved the story and the way it was presnted.
I just felt today like being food and movie critic :P
so dont forget to check it out. see you later.
Friday, December 29, 2006
العفو و السماح

لطالما أراد الحج قبل اتخاذ قرار الزواج ، لكنني لا أتوقع انه سيقرر الزواج قريبا .
أخذتني الأفكار بعيدا بعد المكالمة، لقد جعلتني كلمة "حللني" أفكر مليا ببعض المواقف التي مررت بها خلال السنوات السابقة.
و تذكرت موقفا معينا، أغضبني بشده، و انه يغضبني إلى الآن متى ما تذكرته، و سألت نفسي إذا أتى الشخص المعني بذاك الموقف و طلب مني أن "أحلله"، فهل سأفعل ذالك أم أنني سأرفض ؟؟
فقلبنا المسئول عن العواطف سواء كانت إيجابية أو سلبية، و عقلنا المسئول عن الأفكار و اتخاذ القرارات سواء الصائبة منها أو الخاطئة.
فقلبي ممتلئ بكل مشاعر الغضب و الكره لذالك الشخص و عقلي يحاول إقناعي بالسماح و النسيان للمضي بالحياة.
للأسف علي الاعتراف، برغم أنني حاولت كثيرا العكس، إلا أنني لا أستطيع السماح أو العفو عن من يخطئ بحقي بشدة، طبعا إنني أتحدث عن المواقف المهينة بشدة بنظري.
هل نعبر عن مشاعرنا السلبية تجاه الآخرين؟ أم هل ننضم إلى نادي "مبتسم أمامك و حاقد خلفك"؟
و إذا قال أحدا أنه سامح مسامحة كاملة، فلما لا يرجع الحال كما كان بالسابق مع الطرف الآخر؟
أم أن القلب مازال متألما للحال لكن تحت شعار "لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين"؟؟؟
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Human Investment !
You see a red arrow that means your stock is going down you become blue, angry, and sad, you also might reach a level where you think you shouldn’t have invested in this.
While you might see the green arrow that means that your stock is going up, you become happy, cheerful, spreading smiles, and you turn out trusting that stock blindly. And you keep on hoping it would stay that way for the rest of your life. And that’s doubtful!
The idea is investing in something so that people will be happy in the end.
When we get to know people, we start to feel comfortable with some and uncomfortable with others. It doesn’t mean that others are bad; they're just different, most probably chemistry wise.
So those who walk along with each other, due to a certain common factor, would understand each other, maybe not totally, but at least they would become aware of each other's personality. With time, friends start having that un-written contract of friendship, it is an untouchable bond. I would consider that "un-written contract" like an investment, of course, not money related. Simply because we put a lot of mental, spiritual, and physical efforts in that kind of investment, friendship investment.
No one knows if that stock of that friend would lose or win.
You win a friend when you would find that friend beside you after 10 or 20 years of friendship, supporting you as if you're supporting your self, would be there for you in good times and bad times. Trust, honesty, and respect are their common language. At then, you would know you have won that stock of being that someone's friend.
You can simply imagine the opposite when it comes to losing a friend.
Like any other stock, there are factors that help in turning a certain friend's stock to a wining stock or to a losing stock, and that’s a different subject.
There is one factor that should always be taken in consideration, and that is "Time". Only time can tell if you won a friend or not. As funny as it might sound, even when it comes to siblings, from the same mother and father, only time can tell you who to trust and who not to trust. Who would be there for you and who wouldn’t be there for you. It is easy to sacrifice for someone, but its hard to find who deserves it.
Feed backs (Dreams & Hopes)
Friday, December 08, 2006
Dreams & Hopes

Days go by, days go low and high, some go slow, other days fly. Sometimes we think that the old days were better than nowadays. As we begin to explore life, we set certain aims, targets, hopes, dreams, and wishes in all aspects. But as we grow up, we get shocked with reality, realizing that we have to modify couple of our dreams and wishes, along with some of our aims and targets. Again "some" but not all, but the some we're talking about could mean a lot to a lot of us. Some of those dreams sound to be tailored in a perfect world, for a perfect time and place, though they never can be simpler than they are.
So we discover that they will never come true. But some of those dreams keep on walking beside us, creating a certain type of hope and comfort. It might sound pathetic for some while others accept the idea of dreaming it. Dreams like becoming what we want to be, having something in specific, sharing something with someone, or even a simple dream of loving someone and being loved in return.
And when its bedtime, placing our head on the pillow, nothing but the sound of quietness, nothing but the color of a lightless room, flashes of memory cross our mind, reminding us of our dreams. Dreams that could make us feel better once we live it. And once we know they're just dreams, we would have a heartache. Some consider their dreams as the lightest thread they're holding on to survive this artificial life. And living their "impossible" dreams would be their only saviour.
It isn't easy to grow up expecting to find something that matters to you, and then you discover that you could never ever have it. And it's more painful when you realize that a lot have it, while you and only can not have it, as if you are living the wrong time and place!
I don’t want to under-estimate others, but honestly speaking, don’t you think that sometimes those who don’t even deserve to live have that little thing that you always wished for? And you go like saying "why them not me?"
Its not that I don’t believe in destiny, but it just feels bad. And please who ever says that’s life, I know, but I can not deny the fact of the feeling I'm talking about.Guess the word "envy" is going through your mind!!! Hope not because its not what I'm talking about.
I don’t know if I'm the only one or if there are others who think that life is not like we expected. It lacks something. Life seems like it lacks life!!! We're living life but we're not feeling this life, or maybe some don’t even feel alive!
Because of those mixed feelings we tend to modify some of our dreams, or we simply let them go. After we had a strong faith that someday our dreams will come true.
That is maybe someday!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
. . . Words With No Name !!! . . .
Gone east and west
And passed a million test
Of my self, I was in quest
Do you still think
I'm like the rest
Have you ever been in my shoes?
When you have no right to accept or refuse
When you just want to be your self
But they still accuse
That I'm not what they want
And to them I was just an amuse
They seek perfection, you seek it all
They can not hear or see
Between their lashes there is a wall
Like a God, they judge me
Do you know that someday you will fall?
I'll see you fall and burn in hell
And there is no body for you to call
Maybe then you'll appreciate me
And beg me to rescue your soul
Guess what? I won't
To see and smile for the word
To read "Rest In Peace"
Then my fire might cease
I'll make you pay back, pay back the fees
Falling down on your knees
Begging me saying please
Crying hell bloody tears
Make you taste how it feels
To live a little of my fears
Fears of lost personality
Fears of lost humanity
Fears of lost integrity
Fears of lost identity
Fears of loosing me
Of your self you're so proud
Judging and calling names in the face
And I thought it would be a phase
But you still walk around
Looking down at people
Hating this color and race
For minorities you want to erase
Do you think you can run away with no trace?
Well, read my lips,
It's my turn to express
For you there is no space
The devil in you I'll suppress
Now I have my own voice and place
All these years I've been in a cage
Wearing masks, hiding from the shade
And I was boiling having a rage
For my self I was afraid to fade
All I wanted was freedom on a page
So that history can be made
But guess you were afraid
With my honesty I'd be sharp like a blade
I gave you everything,
For my dues I paid
Written on a gate
There's no more to blame
So I will stop the hate
I will quit the game
I will write the date
The birth of my fame
The fame of being me
Hope it's not too late
Cause now it's my time, its my turn
Do you doubt my fate?
Bet you want to do the same
To be your self, just your self
So remember my name!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The All Time Pleasure !!!
and another brief site is this:
anyhow, my favorite chocolate, is with praline, they are tasty, BIG TIME.
Friday, October 27, 2006
"GMS" ???
There are some subjects or matters that always got my attention, or me made think of them whenever i come accross a social or work related incident. Some are like body language, facial expresion, first impresion, communication skills, and public relations.
but on top of them all, there is another subject that i find interesting, sometimes it even pisses me of, excuse my language !.
im talking about standards. we all have different standards in every field, sector, behaviour, attitude, mentality, or, again, an incident!!!
what might be wrong for me, might be right for you, what seems wrong for you, could seem right for me, and we could share the same point of view because simply we kindda have similar standards, and maybe in that specific subject only !!!
first of all, reading from different sources and dictionaries, i can simply define standards as:
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The Dark Room !
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Freedom !!!
As we were talking, discussing, and having different point of views in different topis and subjects, the subject of "freedom" was there. i had a smile on my face :)
i was thinking about freedom couple of days ago and thinking of those people who seek freedom, ofcourse they're seeking the freedom of speech, in my definition that is to say whatever you want to say as long as they are not insulting any person, religion, color, or race.
i think this should be re-thought !!!
why ?
simply, before we start thinking of having the right and freedom to say whatever we want, lets have first the freedom to see, hear, or read whatever we want !
yes, we lack the simplest degrees of freedom, which i thought of calling it,
the "Freedom of Knowledge" !!!
why am i saying this ??? due to different incidents that happend in the kindda similar timmings.
a friend of mine went to buy ,from a "well known" music store, the latest album for the artist Justin Temberlake, he is an American pop singer. the staff told him that all the albums were withdrawn from the market. why ?!?!?!? because the album has a song by the name of "Sexy Back" !!! well DUH !!! it doesnt mean that Justin doing porno !!!! but again, their reason was because of the word "sexy" !!!! and the radio station FM 99.7 keeps on playing it but i can not buy it legally from the market !!!
so Number 1 : this simply indicates, that I, as a human being, dont have the freedom to listen to what i want to.
went to a "well known" library and a book shop like 6 months ago seeking a good book for sexualy transmited diseases (STDs) for work related reasons.
you know those little books that talk about something specific, usually have the title of "The guide to ...." or "Your source for ...." , so i was looking for something similar. And there was my shock, there is no book that is dedicated directlly for STDs available in Kuwait, they are usually within another kind or sort of books ! when i asked for the reason, it was because they're not allowed !!!
ofcourse i dont have to mention that the case is not only about STDs related books, but there are many many books about history, politics, islam, origins of families, and some well known novels that are not allowed in Kuwait,
while on the other hand, i saw it with my own eyes in another "well known" book shop, many books about "Budhism" and "how to practice budhism" on display !!!
i personally dont have anything against budhists, but i thought such books should be forbiden as well !!! IF we were thinking logically !!!
so Number 2 : i dont have the freedom to read what i want !!!
logged to the internet, was searching for a specific politics related information, found a news channel, and there it was, no, not the channel, the block sign from the internet providing service (IPS) company !! as a result i was not able to log into the site of that channel !!!
i was talking to my sister the day after about the same subject, and she said that a fashion and style website was blocked as well !!! ofcourse, not to forget that there are many movies and series, arabic and english, that are not allowed to be shown on alot of arabic TV channels due to political reasons !!!
so Number 3 : i dont have the freedom to view or see whatever i want !!!
from numbers 1, 2, and 3,
do you think we have the simplest degrees of freedom ? as the freedom of knowledge ???
I dont think so.
so before seeking the freedom of speech, lets seek the freedom of knowledge !!! the freedom that is related to all of my senses, except my mouth !!! I want the freedom to see, read, and listen to what ever i want !!!
and if, that is only IF we had the freedom of speech, i know alot will mis-behave and mis-use it !!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
having a blog !
as i was talking to a good friend of mine (ZZ) at work last Wednesday, she suddenly asked me if i have a blog? and i went like "uhhh, no!", so i asked the reason why she was asking, so she said "i think you need to have one, my friends were asking me if you do have a blog?" so i thought about it, went online, searched about blogs, that i always heard about but never had the chance or care to have one. but guess now its gonna be one of my favorite hobbies :D